Our Out of Hours Emergency 01 260 9920
Skerries 01 849 3071
Stamullen 01 841 8434
Balbriggan 01 215 0469


What is an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound scan is like taking a picture of the inside of the animal’s body using sound waves instead of a camera.


The ultrasound machine sends out high pitched sound waves that bounce of organs and tissues inside the animal, creating a picture on the screen.


We have two ultrasonographers in our practice: Emiliana Capurro and Carla Lluch Arce


We are happy to accept referrals from all first opinion practices. If you would like to refer a case to us, please phone our Skerries branch on 018493071 to discuss.

  • What happens on the day?
  • What are the advantages of an ultrasound?
  • How to arrange a referral?

What happens on the day?

We ask for all pets coming for an ultrasound scan to be fasted for 12 hours prior to their appointment.

On the day your pet will have their abdomen shaved and will be held in place on a specialised table by one of our trained assistants. A clear gel is applied to the skin over the area being examined and a probe will then be lightly placed against their skin in order to capture images from different angles.

The ultrasound lasts for about an hour and the ultrasonagrapher will interpret the images and assess the health and structure of internal tissues and organs. A full report will be sent to your referral veterinary surgeon.

In some cases, your animal may need to be sedated in order to allow for the ultrasound to be performed. Our ultrasonographers will discuss this with you on the day if necessary.

What are the advantages of an ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a painless and non-invasive form of diagnostic imaging that allows us to have real time images.

It allows veterinarians to see what is happening inside an animal’s body, like checking for pregnancies and assessing the internal structure of organs, all without needing surgery.

How to arrange a referral?

We are happy to accept referrals from all veterinary practices. If you would like to refer a case to us, please phone our Skerries branch on 018493071 to discuss.

If you would like to organise for your own pet to come to us for a referral, please contact your primary vet and ask them to email your pets clinical history to info@shenickvets.ie and call us on 018493071 to organise your appointment.

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